• Photo and concept render of the set I designed for the popular TVNZ morning show. Featuring a leaner that comfortably fits six people, a six meter long base to stand on and two LED lit vertical gardens.

    Vidwall Art - Flox
    Creative Director - Jens Hertzum
    Art Director - Mark Fleming
    Set Designer - Declan Norris

  • Set design for the popular New Zealand 7 o’clock TV show. The couch and shelving were designed by me and were built to the specs of the studio space. I also designed and rendered the 18,000 x 9,000 pixel background that was printed at 6.5m x 3.1 meters. I created two designs, one for summer and a darker winter option. Inspired by New Zealand views/gardens and created with mostly native foliage, the location is supposed to be unidentifiable but unmistakably Aotearoa.

  • With TVNZ support I designed the Election 2023 backlit modular desk. Designed for sitting and standing, the desk comfortably sits six people with the option to disconnect the ends and rearrange the pieces. The desk was designed with reusability in mind, the front and sides are reskinnable with different prints. This set piece was used across all of the debates and on election night, keep an eye out for it in future with entirely new looks.

    Designer - Declan Norris
    Set builder - Brett Schwieters
    Depk print design - Brendon Bennett
    Art Director - Mark Fleming